Manual Testing

  • Total course duration is 16 hours
  • 1.5 Hours each session
  • Weekend and Weekdays batches are available
  • Training Mode - Online & Offline

API Testing


Webservices/API Testing course is designed to make you an expert in working with Back end Testing.Nowadays, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other.

90%of the IT industry now heading towards this API for automating Services. On course completion You will be familiar with REST API testing using Postman, SOAPUI & RestAssured and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job

API testing is a type of software testing that involves testing application programming interfaces (APIs) directly and as part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

This testing is performed at the message layer. API testing is now considered critical for automating testing because APIs now serve as the primary interface to application logic and because GUI tests are difficult to maintain with the short release cycles and frequent changes commonly used with Agile software development.

API testing involves testing APIs directly (in isolation) and as part of the end-to-end transactions exercised during integration testing.

API testing is used to determine whether APIs return the correct response (in the expected format) for a broad range of feasible requests, react properly to edge cases such as failures and unexpected/extreme inputs, deliver responses in an acceptable amount of time, and respond securely to potential security attacks.

Why API Testing is required

System complexity:GUI tests can't sufficiently verify functional paths and back-end APIs/services associated with multitier architectures. APIs are considered the most stable interface to the system under test.

Short release cycles with fast feedback loops:: For short iterations and fast feedback loops find that GUI tests require considerable rework to keep pace with frequent change. Tests at the API layer are less brittle and easier to maintain.

API testing is recommended for the vast majority of test automation efforts and as much edge testing as possible. GUI testing is then reserved for validating typical use cases at the system level, mobile testing, and usability testing.

Course contents for API Testing

  • Basics of API & Web services Testing
  • API Testing using Postman
  • SOAPUI /Ready API (Functional Testing)
  • SwaggerUI
  • API Automation Testing using REST Assured using Java & TestNG
  • Rest Assured Framework using TestNG, Maven,Jenkins, Git & Github
  • API Automation Testing using REST Assured using BDD (Behavior Driven Development) Approach

What you’ll learn

  • You will be able to understand what the Webservices & API's are, and their functionality.
  • After completing this course you can start working on API & Webservices testing projects
  • Covered most popular API testing tools like Postman, SOAPUI, Ready API & RestAssured API Automation

Course Benefits

  • Work on live API
  • Work on leading testing tools
  • Online support through chat
  • Mock interview preparation
  • Job assistance for India region